By Klari, Job Center Representative

Do your homework.
Research the company you are interviewing for and learn more about who they are and what they do. Most companies have a website full of useful information about their mission, vision, and business goals that the interviewer could ask in the interview.
Be Prepared
Learn the name of the person who will be interviewing you and know the location of the interview. If you have never been to this place before, map out your route a day or two beforehand and how long it will take you to arrive.
Be on Time.
Be at least 5-10 minutes early for every interview. This will show the interviewer you are reliable and responsible. If you arrive earlier, wait in your vehicle, and review your notes.
Dress Accordingly
Be well-groomed.
Men: Dress shirt with dress slacks. No t-shirts with printed logos, torn jeans, or tennis shoes.
Women: Nice blouse with slacks, skirt, or a modest dress with dress shoes
Avoid wearing leggings, torn jeans, and large, chunky jewelry.
Stay Focused
Be short and to the point. Stay focused on the questions being asked and do not ramble. Stay on-topic but do not go overboard on why you are the “be all, end all” for the position. Make eye contact with the interviewer and sit up straight in your seat. Try to avoid fidgeting and speak clearly. Leave your cell phone in the car or at home to eliminate distractions.

Do not Bad Mouth.
Do not talk badly about a previous employer. If you cannot say anything nice about someone, do not say anything at all.
Respect is Crucial
Treat everyone you meet with respect from the Janitor to the CEO. Offer a firm handshake and always thank the interviewer for his/her time. Write a thank-you note and send it to the interviewer as soon as possible.
If you are seeking assistance on job searching, writing a resume, or additional interviewing tips, stop by your local Job Center and one of our Job Center Representatives would be happy to assist you.