The Story Behind The Stores

AaronOur retail stores provide individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities the opportunity to learn specific, job related skills. When you walk into our South Sioux City store you will see our mission in action. Our goal is to prepare participants to eventually integrate into community employment. Participants learn all aspects of the job and what it takes to keep employment whether at Goodwill or in the community.

“Everyone works right alongside each other,” explains Deb Moore, South Sioux City Store Manager. “There is no barrier, or jobs that only some employees can do. We treat everyone the same and train everyone at their own pace.”

Over the years we have had several individuals train within our stores with an end goal of employment and self sufficiency. After successfully completing Goodwill’s habilitation programming, Aaron got the courage he needed to move out on his own and take control of his future. The next stepping stone of moving to competitive employment in the community was Pre-Vocational Training at Goodwill.

“I learned how to work through my anxiety and improve my social skills while on the
clock,” said Aaron. Over the course of 9 years, Aaron has received the training and support needed to become self sufficient. Aaron now lives on his own, is learning all aspects of a retail job and aspires to become a store manager one day. It is through donations and shopping in our retail stores that Goodwill funds the programs that help individuals gain community employment.

Please consider a donation by visiting our website:

Goodwill Industries Week – Celebrating Our Communities

Thank you for supporting Goodwill.

Our shoppers, donors, program participants, community partners and employers all help Goodwill fulfill its mission. Because of your contributions, we can continue providing the services that help people learn the skills to earn employment and build brighter futures.

With your support, people are starting or advancing careers in fields such as retail, financial services, information technology and health care.

About Goodwill Industries Week

For more than 60 years, we’ve set aside one week each May to celebrate our communities
and their contributions to our mission. Without them, we could not provide employment, job
training and placement, and other community-based programs for people with disabilities,
those who need education or job experience, and others facing employment challenges.