
We all want to find purpose and meaning in our daily lives. At Goodwill, our mission is to help individuals find their purpose and what they are most passionate about.

Amy is currently in the Pre-Vocational Training Program working hard on developing her valuable job skills and preparing for employment in the community. She works in both the e-store scanning books and in the retail store stocking merchandise on the sales floor.

“Working in the retail store has given me a sense of purpose. I know when I place clothing on a rack or shoes on a shelf, someone will buy it and this item will make their lives better,” Amy states with pride.


One summer night in June, Bryce was hanging out with his friends when he was involved in a car accident where he suffered life-altering injuries.

After going through the pain and trauma of the accident, he was convinced that this was not going to keep him down.

Bryce entered the WAT Program to discover the type of employment he is physically able to do. (WAT Program is a 6-week program to assess an individual’s skills and capabilities in a work environment).

Throughout the program, Bryce has found a genuine friendship with Brian and Austin in the E-Commerce Department. They have taught Bryce valuable lessons that Bryce will always remember.

“I love the people I work with at Goodwill. Brian and Austin are amazing people. They have taught me all about hard work and respect because they exhibit these characteristics every day,” Bryce explained with a huge grin.


If you have browsed through the aisles of the Sioux City Goodwill lately, you might have noticed a bright, bubbly individual stocking the sales floor with the newest and best merchandise. Vanessa works hard at being observant and making sure the sales floor looks clean and organized.

“I like stocking the clothes and processing the clothing through donations. I like to work and get away from home for a little while. Working at Goodwill has helped me learn how to get along with people and treat them with respect,” Vanessa explains with a smile.

Vanessa is successfully progressing through the Pre-Vocational Training Program and is currently working on being more open and asking questions when she doesn’t understand something or needs help.


As you walk into the Sioux City Goodwill, beautifully designed displays will catch your eye. Each display is intricately designed by Cheryl who has an exquisite eye for detail.

“If you are looking for something you will probably find it at Goodwill. I love to shop here as well. I will complete the Pre-Vocational Training Program in December and I am proud I have learned to be more independent in my job. I am currently in the process of moving from a group home into my own home.”

News Release

Goodwill of the Great Plains Boosts Recycling Efforts with the addition of State-of-the-Art Equipment

Goodwill of the Great Plains is boosting their recycling efforts with the addition of custom, state of the art equipment to their operations facility in Sioux City, IA.   Annually, Goodwill recycles over 16 million pounds of material, keeping items that do not sell in their 21 retail locations out of the landfill and on to new uses.

Thanks to generous donations from the community, Goodwill sustains its mission through the sale of these donations.   Goodwill takes pride in recycling a significant portion of donated goods that do not end up selling in their stores.   “Goodwill’s priority is serving our mission while being a good steward to our donors and continue to reduce our environmental footprint” said John Hantla, President and CEO.  

This new equipment could potentially bale up to 8 million more pounds of recycled materials annually.  The benefits are efficiency, safety, higher output, and automation.  

“The new equipment is truly a sight to see. It’s impressive to see how efficiently the equipment can prepare bales of textiles and other material to be ready for the next step in recycling.”  said Vilay Keokenchanh, Chief Operating Officer.  “What might take a week or longer to process can now be accomplished in one day.”

Goodwill recycles items such as textiles, leather goods, shoes, purses, stuffed animals, cardboard, and paper.  “Goodwill is constantly researching new opportunities to recycle and further their positive impact on the local community and the environment” said Angie Washburn, Director of Operations.