Vickie, Program Manager

Vickie heard about Goodwill by browsing through the employment section in the local newspaper. Goodwill was hiring for a Respite Provider and Vickie was needing a position with more solid hours. Vickie interviewed and accepted the job offer.
Vickie has a variety of different responsibilities that include: overseeing the Integrated Day Services program, helping with participants goals, taking attendance for billing and resolving staff issues. The participants make the job fulfilling for Vickie. “I like seeing their smiles. You make their day by stopping and talking to them. I like helping turn their bad day into a good day,” Vickie grinned.
- Who is your hero?
- My mom. From the time I was in high school she had medical issues, but she always pushed on and persevered.
- What is your dream vacation?
- Germany. I spent 3 years when my husband was in the military. I loved it. I would love to go back to Germany during Christmas time.
- What are a couple of interesting facts about you?
- I have 12 grandchildren.
- I love race car driving and NASCAR.